Monday, August 18, 2008

A Birthday Reception, Friday's style

We seldom have birthday parties. But we always have birthday receptions for all the members of the Bunch. A birthday cake is a must, be it being celebrated at home or at other venues.

One of our favourite venue to hold a birthday reception is at Friday's. At the last birthday reception for my eldest two years ago, I was so impressed with the atmosphere created by the staff of Friday's in making the occasion to be a fun and memorable occasion.

So this time around, we returned to Friday's for the birthday reception of my youngest who just turned 6 last weekend.

True to my expectation, the birthday reception this time around was equally fantastic and fun.A group of Friday's staff perked up the day with their lively and charged up rendition of the traditional "Happy Birthday" tune plus another original acapella song.

It is a tradition at Friday's for the birthday boy (or girl) to give a speech using a gimmick microphone, usually a bottle or in the youngest' case, a pepper bottle.

He didn't actually utter a word, probably a little embarrassed, but the Friday's staff was so good in saving the moment by rendering a speech by reading the child's mind through "telepathy". He was so good, so genuinely good.

So the next time you want to hold a birthday reception among family members, do give Friday's a try. Kids have their meal for free. All the more reason to have it there, don't you think so?

Jasni AJ

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